Our team of water experts can answer any questions you may have about switching supplier. Just fill out the form below and we'll get back to you with some sound advice at the very least.

    How can we help you?

    A new website portal has been launched to help commercial Landlords update and manage the tenancy and occupancy details of their non-domestic properties. The ‘Scottish Landlord Portal’ has been created and is hosted by the Central Market Agency (CMA Scotland).

    Landlords are now required by Law to inform water suppliers of the occupancy status of their properties, but thankfully the portal is easy to use. Updated information is automatically made available to the relevant supplier, reducing administration time.

    Landlords should register now at; https://slp.cmascotland.co.uk

    The website also contains a useful FAQ section, but further support is also available from Pure Utilities;

    Email; customer.service@pureutilities.co.uk

    Phone; 0330–113–3050

    Posted by Ian Grundy at 16:54 on 02/12/2016.