Gap Site Process

Licensed Providers are duty‐bound to report Gap Sites. A failure to do so is a breach of Licensing Conditions.

PURE follows the below process, in accordance with the Water Industry documentation, when we believe a Gap Site has been identified. We will:

  1. Attempt to make contact with the Customer
  2. Request information to determine if the premises in question is a Gap Site
  3. Where we deem it to be a Gap Site, advise the Customer we will submit the application

Once the application is received by Scottish Water, they may contact the customer directly to arrange a site survey. However, should they deem this unnecessary for a particular premises, they will conduct a remote desk-based survey before contacting us to confirm the relevant services.

We will work with the customer at each step of the process to ensure they are kept updated.

Once the process is complete and the premises has been correctly registered, the customer has the right to transfer their SPIDs to a Provider of their choice.

PURE will offer a competitive quotation once all of the services are correctly registered. Should the quotation not be accepted, the customer will be invoiced at the industry standard rates under the ‘Deemed Contract Scheme’.

If a customer decides to transfer their SPIDs after 20 Business Days, PURE will work with the chosen Licensed Provider to ensure a smooth transfer.

Whilst we hope customers will remain with PURE, those who choose to switch to a different Provider will be invoiced from the date the property is registered in the ‘Supply Point Register’, to the date of transfer to another Licensed Provider.

It is always our hope customers will remain with us, to benefit from the great customer service and potential savings we offer.