Pure Utilities Frequently Asked Questions

If your non‐domestic premises is receiving services from Scottish Water, you need to pay for those services through a Licensed Provider. A Gap Site is where a premises is receiving services and has not been registered correctly. The Scottish water industry ‘Market Code’ describes a Gap Site as: “any Eligible Premises which is in receipt of Water Services and/or Sewerage Services where no Supply Points are Registered in relation to such Eligible Premises in the Supply Point Register”

‘Pure Utilities’ is a trading name of ‘Pure (CGV) Limited’ (Company registration number 09548345). We incorporated 17-Apr-2015 and entered the Scottish water market on 26-Feb-2016, after our license was granted by the industry regulator ‘Water Industry Commission for Scotland’ (WICS).

The ‘Water Industry Commission for Scotland’ (WICS) is the regulator for all water and Waste Water services in Scotland, including domestic and non-domestic premises. Their website is  www.watercommission.co.uk

The ‘Rateable Value’ (RV) of your premises is determined by your local Assessors’ office. The RV, along with other details about the premises is then published on the ‘Scottish Assessors Association’ website.

The ‘Scottish Assessors Association’ (SAA) works with the various Assessors’ offices throughout Scotland. They publish the details of non-domestic properties on their website www.saa.gov.uk Each individual entry on the SAA website is deemed to be a separate Premises. Premises listed as non-domestic on the SAA website that receive any Scottish Water services require a ‘Supply Point ID’, in the ‘Supply Point Register’. You can find the listing for your premises by using the various search functions on their website.

A ‘Supply Point ID’ (commonly known as a ‘SPID’) is a unique 12-digit reference used within the water industry to identify specific services, at a specific premises. Premises can have a SPID for Water Services (if applicable) and a separate SPID for Sewer Services, such as Waste Water, and Property Drainage (if applicable).

A ‘Deemed Contract’ is where no formal agreement has been made between the Customer and their Licensed Provider of the premises. Under Scottish Law, Customers under a Deemed Contract are required to pay for services they receive. You may be on a deemed contract if:


  • The premises was registered as a Gap Site by Scottish Water and allocated to a Licensed Provider
  • You become responsible for a premises that has an existing Licensed Provider


Further information on Deemed Contracts can be found on the WICS website here